Donald T. Carlson’s Testimony
The only notable things about my background in my estimation, are the person
I married and the work I did after college. All else was quite ordinary.
The year after college graduation I married my wife, Ginny, and we left our
home state for Georgia where I entered pilot training with the U.S. Air Force.
The next twelve months were really tough. I soon found that I had an excellent
wife, and that I was in an exciting , challenging career. As we experienced the
birth of our first child, and as I saw the way Ginny dealt with all the
pressures and changes, my belief that this was the right lifetime spouse for me
grew even stronger.
When I graduated from pilot training and received my USAF wings, we moved
across the country to California. My assignment was flying jet transports
anywhere in the world. I was sure the future would be happy.
But problems soon began that were all my fault. I won’t specify what they
were, other than to say these were wrongs I was doing, and rights I was not
doing. This led to situations that threatened my marriage and my future as a
pilot. As I began to realize this it scared me. However, I could not change my
While on a mission, another pilot in my squadron asked if I was interested in
a home Bible study. Since I had attended church since childhood and considered
myself a Christian, I agreed to attend. The study was sponsored by the Officers
Christian Fellowship and met in homes of people on the Air Force base. We
participated actively. I even led a couple of studies. Studying the Bible seemed
to aggravate my problems, though.
Since we had become friends, the coordinator of the study invited Ginny and
me to an evening service at their church. The speaker was a traveling evangelist
who told his own story. As he spoke, I saw my own life - some reasons for the
problems I had as well as the awful things that could occur. I was convinced
that the only way disaster might be averted was to have a relationship with
Jesus Christ. That very night I made a "decision". God saved me, and
put me in His family as I accepted the call to repentance.
I am happy to report that God also saved my marriage and Air Force career.
Ginny and I have now been married for 31 years. A few years ago I retired after
more than 24 years of Air Force duty.
And the Lord has seen us through difficult times. He has shown us amazing
ways to serve and obey Jesus.
The very best part is learning to know the holiness, mercy, wisdom, love,
justice, and power of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We gain this daily
through the ministry of the Scriptures. I had no clue of any of these many years
ago. I only knew I needed help. It’s wonderful to know that God is so much
greater than I could ever have imagined.