Aliza Doyle's Testimony
I was born on a kibbutz in the northern Galilee region of Israel. My family,
although Jewish, were secular Jews. The Old Testament was taught at school (10
years x 4-6 hours a week), and no one ever told us that there was no God, but
the emphasis was on the historical facets of the Bible, and the literary value
of it.
At the age of 18 I joined the Israeli army like every other 18 year old in
Israel. Eight months into my service I was notified I had to go through
officer's training. One part of our training was to stand in front of 150 girls
and speak on anything we want for 45 minutes. I was a very shy person, and not
at all good at speaking before a crowd. Trying to come up with a topic that
would be flowing with information and easy to speak on, I decided to present an
argument on whether Judaism is a religion or a culture (no jokes because I kill
them every time). While studying, I began to feel that there was something
missing in my life. There was no spiritual side to it. So I began searching. I
went to a "Yeshiva" a religious Jewish school, but was kicked out for
being too intellectual about everything. Then I followed my Rabbi's advice and
enrolled at Haifa University in Judaism and Talmudic studies. I
was still not satisfied and at that point I decided to put the search on a back
burner, buy a backpack, and go traveling in the big wide world.
After traveling for about six months, I decided to go to Hawaii and visit my
aunt. I thought I did it because it was too cold to stay in Europe, but in fact
God had a plan...
About two months after I got to Hawaii my aunt came home from work and told
me of a woman who had come up to her and told her that Isaiah 53 talks about
Jesus. She asked if, being a Bible student, I could come up with enough
commentary and a better explanation to refute what the woman had said. I started
to study.
To this day I can remember the moment when God opened my eyes to see the
Truth. I got a New Testament and started to read the Gospel according to Matthew
and then compared it with Isaiah 53. It was so obvious! Jesus was the Jewish
Messiah, and the Son of God. I couldn't stop reading about Him, and I was
finally satisfied. I felt like there was a big spiritual side to me that was
awakened through this meeting with Jesus. Through reading more in the New
Testament, I found out He wasn't only the long awaited Messiah but He came with
a personal message for me. He wanted to be the King of my life, and with
all the Joy I received by getting to know Him, I couldn't think of a better
thing to do.
Six weeks later my aunt became a Christian too, and a few weeks later my
uncle did. Shortly after, I returned to Israel.
This was 14 years ago. In all these years Jesus never failed to be the Good
and Loving King that He promised to be, although I neglected many times my
duties as a citizen of His Kingdom, and I learned that His love for me is not
depended on my performance as a Christian. All He wants of me is that I believe
in Him and accept His free gift of eternal life.