Chris Mathews' Testimony
When I was 12 years old, my parents got divorced. My mom and I moved to
California and my dad stayed in Minnesota. At that point and time God was the
last thing on my mind. I was not raised in a religious home. My mom was a fallen
away Mormon and my dad a fallen away Catholic. The only experience I ever had
with church was the one time I went with my grandmother.
When I got into High School, I got involved in the Fire Explorers. It was the
best time I had had at that point in my life. That is where I decided to be a
firefighter as a career. We got to ride on the trucks, go on calls, help people
in trouble, etc. At 16, I got my first car. I started to go out with kids my age
and do things I didn't do earlier. This also was when I first started to smoke
marijuana and drink alcohol. As I grew in age so did my use of alcohol and pot.
At 18, I received a $15,000.00 insurance settlement from an accident six
years earlier. I started hanging out with partiers instead of my fire department
friends. I wanted to have fun and have lots of friends, something I
didn't have as a child growing up. I kept my habits to a low roar so they didn't
affect my job I now had with the fire department. I felt as if I had it all, a
great job and lots of friends. But the friends were only there when I had the
drugs to supply them with. I didn't realize this until several years later.
At age 19, I went to work for the State Fire Service instead of the small
city department I was with. It gave me a lot of time to spend with the love of
my life, Stacy. During the spring of 1987, while I was at the State Fire Academy
for my annual refresher training, my mother was killed in a vehicle accident. It
took a relative three days to locate me. I took her death very hard. Dealing
with her loss and all the vultures in the family coming out of the woodwork took
its toll on me. I went on a two week drunk after the funeral. I had to take a
month off from the fire department. I did nothing but curse God for taking my
mom's life.
A year later I married my girlfriend of three years. Both Stacy and I started
to use cocaine along with our use of alcohol and pot. It was our way of escaping
from life. In November 1989, I suffered the final blow that ended life as I knew
it. While at a working house fire, my engine company was on the roof when part
of the roof collapsed. I fell 35 feet to the ground, landing on my back and
severely injuring it. After this I had nothing but hatred for God and everything
around me. I was smoking pot every day, using cocaine, crank, and my
prescription medication. My alcohol use was continual. My life was totally
consumed in this.
Finally, Stacy had enough, and she left me. Three months later we got
divorced. I didn't want to lose her, but I knew she was better off without me. I
was still madly in love with her, but the alcohol and drugs had taken over.
In April 1992, I was at the bar. I got into an argument with another drunk.
The bartender told him to leave and he did. An hour later I decided to go home.
When I got outside the guy was sitting on my truck. We started to argue and
fight. I ended up killing him during the fight. I was in the county jail for
three weeks feeling suicidal and going through withdrawals, when a deputy
witnessed to me about Jesus. I still had too much hatred toward God. I felt that
if God or Jesus cared about me, then why did all these things happen in my life?
A couple of weeks latter I decided to read the Bible and see what all was in
it. What was so special about this so-called God? As I read it I felt a calming
sensation come over me. Three days later I went to chapel services. As I
listened to the chaplain I felt good about myself for the first time. During the
service I asked Jesus Christ into my heart as my Lord and Saviour. I felt so
good; the pressures were lifted from my shoulders. Knowing the wonderfulness of
Jesus' love, forgiveness, and many other blessings was great.
I was sent to state prison on a 15 years to life sentence for my crime. I was
at a level 4 prison for three months when God blessed me with an opportunity to
serve Him as the Chaplain's Clerk on my facility. I felt my prayers answered. I
asked the Lord to allow me to serve Him. This was a great way to serve Him. I
grew to know Him more and more, as well as helping others grow and know Him
better also. Since that time, I have been transferred to a Level 3 prison and
again the Lord has blessed me by placing me in the Chaplain's Office as the
Senior Clerk.
I am grateful for the deputy that first witnessed to me. He was a true
messenger of Christ. I feel that if he hadn't been led to me by the Lord I most
likely would be dead now. I give all things to the Lord and praise His holy name
for His greater glory. I have found great joy working for the Lord and even
though I am in prison, I am free in Christ. At this time in my life it is for
God's glory I am here.